It is time to HEAL Louisiana.

Nurse Practioners provide high quality care in a cost-effective manner. NPs’ education and practice is based on listening closely to patients’ concerns and providing individualized care. In Louisiana, there is a tremendous need for Nurse Practitioners to practice to the fullest extent of their education and training for the following reasons:
- Louisiana is currently in a pandemic and to increase Louisiana health rankings Nurse Practitioners need to be able to practice to the fullest extent of their training within their scope of practice.
- Over 40% of Louisiana citizens are on Medicaid. 80% of Nurse Practitioners accept Medicaid.
- Nurse Practitioners are trained to treat chronic conditions within the medical guidelines and 72.2% of all NPs deliver primary care.
- Louisiana has a heavy rural population, under-served communities, professional workforce shortages, fewer primary care doctors than specialists, obstacles to the education of more professionals and imminent retirements.

Due to the Governor’s Executive Order, Louisiana requirement for a collaborative practice agreement between Nurse Practitioner and Physician has been suspended since March 2020.
With this suspension, Louisiana has fully enjoyed the benefits of NPs practicing to the fullest extent of their training.
This has provided increased access to care to those who are most in need. Please help us continue this access by contacting your legislator about removing the antiquated barrier of the CPA.

When needless regulatory practice burdens and restrictions are lifted, patients can more fully access the health care services Nurse Practitioners are educated and certified to provide. For example, patients would expect: fewer delays in the ordering of and receiving results from diagnostic tests, streamlined signing of health care forms and more timely access to care.

Nurse Practitioner-provided care is associated with decreased hospitalizations, decreased re-admissions, and improved health status and health care outcomes. When NPs have Full Practice Authority, these cost savings only further multiply due to a reduction in costs generated by unnecessary provider duplication and involvement when matters such as diagnostic test orders, patient care forms and prescriptions can be fully handled by one provider.

Seventy percent of Americans favor legislation that makes it easier to choose a Nurse Practitioner as their health care provider. Simply put, removing barriers to NP practice allows patients to see the health care provider of their choice. That’s something that policymakers should be focused on as a way to ensure individual choice and promote pro-competitive and pro-business markets in their state.